Everything you need to know about gutter guards

Everything you need to know about gutter guards

Probably every homeowner, as well as every householder, wants their four walls to be a safe and, above all, comfortable place to live and spend time with their loved ones. Therefore, it is obvious that we pay a lot of attention to its aesthetics, cleanliness and, above all, functionality; after all, it is the house that protects us from the outside elements, it is where we can feel safe during heavy downpours and noisy storms. Therefore, it is extremely important that not only the interior of our home is kept in a satisfactory condition, but also its exterior effectively protects it from various weather factors and more.

Therefore, in today’s article we will take a look at a part of the roof without which no house has the right to exist, we are referring, of course, to the gutters, which are responsible for the proper drainage of water from the surface of our house. More specifically, we will be looking at gutter guards, a relatively simple, but still not exceptionally popular solution that can help to improve the performance of our gutters significantly. In today’s article, we will look at what gutter guards actually are, what they are for and what their advantages are.

Gutter guards – a must have for every home

As we have already mentioned, in today’s article we are going to take a closer look at a certain improvement to gutters, which is without any doubt gutter guards, but what are they? Namely, gutter guards are simply mesh guards mounted on or inside gutters, the main purpose of which is to prevent various unwanted debris, such as leaves or needles falling from trees, from entering the gutter.

Gutter guards - a must have for every home
Gutter guards – a must have for every home

As the company which offers gutter guards installation says, it is not surprising if you have not heard of this solution before, because although it is really simple and logical, it is still not very widely used at all, however, in recent years, especially in the United States, this type of gutter protection has become increasingly popular.

It is also worth mentioning that this solution is to some extent related to climate zones, which is why they are really rare in Europe. In addition to this, it is also worth noting that this type of gutter protection may not yet be very popular, however, many experts, such as those from A.B. Edward, who install these types of solutions, recommend them, noting their simplicity of installation, good price and, above all, high efficiency and functionality.

Types of gutter guards

As in the context of many other elements of the exterior of the house, gutter guards are available in a really large number of options that vary in their performance characteristics and material. Therefore, in order to get a more accurate idea of what these types of gutter guards are, it is worth knowing the most popular ones that are currently available on the market. Let us therefore find out what they are and what the specific characteristics of the types of reliable solution described are.

Mesh gutter guards

The basic, and at the same time most popular, type of solution we describe is gutter protection made of metal or plastic mesh. This is characterised by numerous and small holes, which at the same time allow water to flow freely from the roof into the gutter and block all unwanted debris, such as leaves, from entering. This type of gutter protection is the most popular, as it is a really cost-effective solution, mainly due to its relatively low price and high effectiveness and durability. In addition to this, it is worth mentioning that mesh gutter guards are also really easy to install and do not require complicated maintenance, so they are a really great choice.

Mesh gutter guards
Mesh gutter guards

Bottle brush gutter guards

The second type of solution we describe is a gutter guard made of a distinctive bristle or brush, which is mounted at the very top of the gutter on its inner walls. This type of gutter protection also performs its function very well, ensuring the free flow of water and blocking the entry of waste into the gutter, however, unlike the previously described type, it requires more maintenance. On the other hand, its price is relatively low and installation is not extremely difficult or time-consuming.

Foam gutter guards

The next type of gutter protection we will look at is made of a characteristic porous foam, which, thanks to its irregular texture, performs all its functions very well – it guarantees the proper flow of water and blocks the entry of leaves and other debris into the gutter. This type of solution, just like its predecessors, is not very expensive or difficult to install, but it does require regular checking of its condition. Gutter protection made of foam is effective in stopping waste, but it is prone to clogging, so when deciding on this solution, we should remember about its regular and thorough maintenance.

Reverse curve (Surface tension) gutter guards

The type of gutter protection that definitely stands out from the previously described ones is definitely the reverse curve, however, why it is different from all of them. Namely, its construction is characteristic. This type of gutter protection is made of a plate that is bent inversely to the gutter, which ensures the free flow of water into the centre of the gutter, while preventing waste from entering the gutter and simply falling off the plate. However, due to its different design and high efficiency, this solution is a little more expensive and requires more skill in terms of installation.

Nylon gutter guards

We have left the best for last, namely the last type of gutter guard we will look at is the one made of nylon mesh. The design of this type of solution is identical to that of mesh gutter guards, the nylon mesh also has numerous holes to ensure the free flow of water and prevent waste from entering the gutter. However, why is this type of protection unique?

Nylon gutter guards
Nylon gutter guards

Namely, nylon is an incredibly strong material that is far more resilient than the previously described predecessors – it can withstand the weight of even much heavier debris. However, it should be stressed that in tandem with the above-average strength also comes the price, which is noticeably higher, while this type of gutter protection, just like ordinary plastic mesh, is easy to install and maintain.


In conclusion, as we have presented, the choice of gutter guards is really large and each of the types of gutter guards we have described has many advantages, definitely more than disadvantages, which are almost non-existent in the context of this solution. Therefore, no matter which specific type of gutter guards you decide on, you can count on a really great functionality of this solution, which, in addition, is not really expensive, since, on average, the cost of the entire investment related to their purchase and installation ranges from $1,000 to $3,000.

Therefore, we sincerely recommend the solution we describe, after all, protecting your gutters from unwanted debris is very important and, in addition, guarantees us peace of mind and no complicated maintenance for many long years.

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